ADI Training
Over the years we have helped number of drivers become Approved Driving Instructors (ADI).
We don’t just train ADI’s for the sake of it whether at the end there is work or not. We only take and a trainee in the area if we have work within the area.
To be registered you must meet the legal requirement and have the knowledge, the ability and skills to teach others to become a safe, responsible driver and for this an ADI, in addition, to your own driving of high standard, needs to be knowledgeable about:
How to teach
How people learn
How to assess the performance of others
Interpersonal skills
If you are interested in being self-employed work the hours to suit you and have the satisfaction of helping others learn a lifetime skill then we believe that we have the experience and the ability to convert the skills you already possess into career.
We provide comprehensive training for all three parts of the test that need to be passed before registration with the DSA as an ADI. To be registered as an ADI you need to meet with the legal requirement that:
You have held a full UK or European Union unrestricted car driving licence for a total of at least four out of the past six years prior to entering the Register after qualifying You have not been disqualified from driving at any time in the four years prior to being entered in the Register
You are a “fit and proper” person to have the name entered in the Register. A criminal record check is made and all convictions, motoring and non-motoring, are all taken into consideration when your application is assessed for your suitability to be entered on the Register.
Pass part 2 and 3 examinations within two years of passing the theory test.
Apply for registration within 12 months of passing part 3 of the examination
If we can be of any further help please do not hesitate to contact us. A no obligation meeting can be arranged if required so that you can make a more informed decision regarding becoming a ADI and answer any questions that you may have.